Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Wheatley School website: Top Honors!

At the most recent Nassau BOCES School library system meeting, our school website received a NOVEL (New York Online Virtual Electronic Library) award for the leadership level, the top level that is recognized. The award means that our library website provides a top level of access to information from virtually anywhere.So access away! Pictured with me is my colleague Carl Vitevitch, from Nassau BOCES, who is always helping me to improve the website among other things he does daily! Thanks Carl

Monday, May 23, 2011

School Library Journal Day of Dialogue

What an exhausting and great day! Tons of authors, educators and books books books. Great advance reader copies to share with my bookclubbers. It is intoxicating- better than shoe shopping!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My favorite book of the year:Little Princes
Watch this video-buy the book- or borrow it from the library!
This book has it all; A wonderful,inspiring story, romance, suspense, humor. AND Conor is going to be the guest author at the LISMA dinner next May. Yep, I am already booking my calendar for May 2012. He is also going to be at the fantastic Port Washington Public Library on August 9th at 7:30. I am planning on attending and hope you will be there too. ( I sound like a Conor Grennen stalker- maybe I am!)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Why social media is a game changer

Thanks to Dave Cassamento for sharing this ( he did it the old fashioned way- he told me face to face!)