Monday, November 14, 2011



Saturday, November 12, 2011

Stages on Pages

Attended The Dolphin Bookshop Stages on Pages event this afternoon with Rick Leidenfrost-Wilson. Great to meet authors who have written about the arts in YA fiction. Bought all the books and am looking forward to reading them. One of the authors turned me onto a cool website where you can download ARC's ( Advanced Reader Copies) of books not yet published. How cool is THAT!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Field Trip to meet Conor Grennan

Conor Grennan

If you hang with me or have asked for a book recommendation in the past 6 months, you know I will recommend Little Princes by Conor Grennan. I LOVE this book, thus I LOVE the author. The Book Addicts Anonymous book club of the Wheatley School, affectionately known as BAA, will be taking a field trip to hear Conor Grennan tell his story THIS  THURSDAY! And guess what? I am unable to attend.! BOOOOO HOOOO. I follow him on FB and he seems just as wonderful in real life as he does in the pages of his book. Anyhow, our terrific book club  read this book as our first selection of the year, and the feedback is unanimous- everyone is moved and impressed by the book. Here is a video that explains it in a nutshell. Donna Rosenblum, the wonderful librarian at Floral Park Memorial High School invited our group to hear Conor speak at her school. I am sure it will be wonderful. The good news is, I will be able to finally meet Conor in May at the LISMA dinner for librarians. And May is not too far away,, right?