Friday, May 28, 2010

Books Expo America- Cornelia Funke, Vlad Todd and MORE!

Well, Book Expo America 2010 was exhilarating and exhausting. Day One-School Library Journal Day of Dialogue. Imagine a roomful of librarians and authors and lots and lots of - well, BOOKS and you have a clear picture of the set up. What did we discuss? STEAMPUNK! On the panel, Scott Westerfeld, one of Wheatley students fave's, Cherie Priest, with her blue hair, Cory Doctorow, another Wheatley fave, and Karen Grenke, who billed herself as Library manager NYPL and fan girl ( you should have seen her hat!) We discussed what exactly Steam punk is- think Victorian age meets science fiction witha mantra of reuse, recycle, re purpose. Basically, what would the 19th century have been like with technology?Another way to look at it "home made machines" or "technology should be beautiful". Very cool. What are the benefits to students? Well, since there is an historical aspect to it- it makes history fun- and can lead to a reader doing research on what the era was like. There is a whole steampunk movement- parties, art, poetry, books and a way of dressing. Want to get a taste of it in literature? Try Westerfelds Leviathan,Uglies, or Boneshaker by Cherie Priest.
In the afternoon we got to preview a TON of new titles and we got Advanced Reader Copies to boot- so come on into the IMC and check them out.We learned the 12th and final installment in the Vlad Tod series will be published shortly- many Wheatley students will vie for the right to be the first to read it- but Daniel C. gets it first... and I WON an autographed Cornelia Funke copy of her newest soon to be published book, Reckless.. That is her at the podium. She read the beginning aloud and the audience was mesmerized. All in all a great two days.
Can't wait until BEA 2011!